Our trail reports usually cover one of our adventures through a moderate to difficult trail run. This trail report is a bit special, as we headed to Johnson Valley California for the King of the Hammers Race in support of Lite Brite Racing and their 4400 Class Ultra4 Racecar. If you’re not yet familiar with the King Of The Hammers race, it’s best described as the hardest single day race on the planet combining high speed desert racing with the unique technical aspects of rock crawling through an expansive ~200 mile course in the California desert.

While most of the shop stayed behind to work through orders, three of us were lucky enough to attend for a few days, helping at camp and in the pits where we could. If you look up “Hammertown USA” on Google maps, you’ll see a whole lot of nothing… but with nearly 100k people in attendance for the races, this desolate desert lakebed seemed to turn into a small pop-up city.

We are anticipating a full video on the event coming out on March 2nd on the Lite Brite Studios YouTube Channel for those of you interested in seeing more of what this is all about, what it takes to prep for it, and what it looks like from inside the cab of an Ultra4 car during this brutal 10 hour race event.

We’ll be watching their video to learn as much as we can, and we’re starting to ask ourselves if we want to start testing our products in a Stock Class/4600 Series JLU Jeep build of our own in the future. Furthering our inspiration… here’s a shot of the Rock Krawler 4600 Class JLU! This one might has already been testing some of our parts on the lakebed – thank you Rock Krawler Suspension for taking them out for some more real world testing!

Thank Yous and Photo Credits to Lite Brite Studios, Bilstein, Rock Krawler Suspension, and Outlaw Off-Road.
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