We are doing a trail run and you are invited! It's time for Customer Appreciation month again at Next Venture Motorsports!

I would like to start with a big thank you for all the support, and the awesome content you have shared and tagged us in this year. It's definitely been a crazy couple of years for us, and we wouldn't be here without all of you!

The biggest way we can show appreciation for our customers is getting your parts built and shipped as quickly as possible - without sacrificing quality. We know there's always another trail run coming up (including the one you're welcome to join us for on September 17th and 18th!) and that's why the team is working as hard as they can to get orders out faster than ever. That's also why we continue to invest in CNC machinery, process improvement, automation, and most importantly hiring some of the best folks we can find in Western Colorado that want to do something they love.

Now through the rest of September, we'll be featuring your media that you have tagged us in or used #NextVentureMotorsports. If we feature your media, please let us know where we can send some swag -- we'll be doing giveaways all month! If you have any trail photos or videos you've been meaning to post, now's a great time -- we'd love to check them out!

Go to the link below to sign up for the trail run in Southwest Colorado that we are putting together for the weekend of the 17th if you want to join! We hope to see you on the trail!


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