Looking to fully protect your undercarriage all at once under your JT Gladiator? The Rock Hopper Bundle includes all of our 100% bolt on skids for your undercarriage so you can get it all done at once!
What's included?
1 × JT Belly Skid System (Select Your Options)
1 x Jeep JT Front Diff Cover (Advantek Dana 44/M210)
1 x Jeep JT Rear Diff Cover (Advantek Dana 44/M220)
1 x JT Front Diff Skid (M210 FDS)
1 x JT Rear Diff Skid (M220 RDS)
1 x JT Front Axle Disconnect Skid (FAD Skid w/UHMW)
Keep reading below for more details!

done in house
made in usa