Looking to fully protect your undercarriage all at once under your JL Wrangler? The Rock Hopper Bundle includes all of our 100% bolt on skids for your undercarriage so you can get it all done at once!
What's included?
1 × JL Belly Skid System (Select Your Options)
1 x Jeep JL/ JT Front Diff Cover (Advantek Dana 44/M210)
1 x Jeep JL/ JT Rear Diff Cover (Advantek Dana 44/M220)
1 x JL Front Diff Skid (M210 FDS)
1 x JL/ JT Rear Diff Skid (M220 RDS)
1 x JL/JT Front Axle Disconnect Skid (FAD Skid w/UHMW)
1 (PAIR) x JL Rear Shock and Control Arm Skid Plates
Keep reading below for more details!

392 hemi note
not included with 392 bundle
You'll notice this is NOT included with the 392 Rock Hopper Bundle! You don't have a FAD to protect as you have a factory delete plate!

done in house
made in usa