7000-series assembly & installation

video guides

Due to the number of configurations and options, we have split the install instruction videos into multiple segments for assembly and then installation. We recommend assembling everything prior to beginning installation.

assembly instructions

assembly video

Fuel Tank + transfer case skids

How to assemble the transfer case skid, and front/rear fuel tank skids.

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assembly video

transfer case + fuel tank skids

How to assemble the transfer case skid, and front/rear fuel tank skids.

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Assembly video

rear exhaust skid

How to assemble your 392, 2.0 or 3.6 rear exhaust skids.

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engine skids

Videos for 392, 2.0 and 3.6 Engine Skid Assembly coming soon. Assembly is done with basic hand tools, and is fairly straight forward to attach UHMW, steel bracketry and aluminum.

Torque specs:
3/8" countersunk bolts 18 ft/bs
1/4" countersunk bolts 28 in/lbs

Scroll down for installation instructions!

install instructions

install video

fuel tank

Installation of the fuel tank, transfer case and crossmembers is done together. Click here to watch the fuel tank segment.

skip to 1:58

install video

transfer case

Installation of the fuel tank, transfer case and crossmembers is done together. Click here to watch the transfer case segment.

skip to 13:56

install video

rear exhaust skid

How to install the rear exhaust skid. Click here to watch this segment.

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installation video

engine skid

Click here to watch the engine skid installation segment.

skip to 16:57